NTMHC 2022-2023 Annual Report Presented At Our AGM

NT Mental Health Coalition held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 16th November. Thank you to Menzies School of Health Research for hosting.

Members and stakeholders were Welcomed to Country by Dr Richard Fejo who also shared stories of his lived experience and spoke about the impact of the referendum.

Geoff Harris, Executive Director of Mental Health Coalition South Australia was our guest speaker. Geoff spoke about the unmet need for psychosocial supports in South Australia. This work has significant implications as the Commonwealth is currently assessing need across Australia. NTMHC and MHCSA, alongside the other state and Territory peak bodies as well as Community Mental Health Australia, will be strongly advocating to the Commonwealth and State governments to fund this unmet need when the report is released in March next year. You can read more about the unmet need in South Australia in this Summary of the Report.

The annual report was presented with comments from Anne Gawen as Chairperson, Dira Horne as Treasurer and Geoff Radford as CEO. The reports were accepted and then board Directors were elected by nomination. 

Congratulations to the 2023/24 board:

Anne Gawen                     Chairperson & Public Officer

Judy Davis                         Vice Chairperson

Dira Horne                          Treasurer

Helen Day                           Secretary

Paul Royce                         Ordinary Member

Pam Marwood                  Ordinary Member

Read our full Annual Report here.


Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition

NTMHC is the peak body for community managed mental health services across the Northern Territory. We work in collaboration with a wide network of organisations, people with lived experience, their families and supporters across the NT to advocate to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Territorians.

Please include the following crisis support services for any story regarding mental health or suicide: 

Lifeline: 13 11 14  www.lifeline.org.au
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467  www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au
beyondblue: 1300 22 4636  www.beyondblue.org.au

More information on safely reporting on mental illness or suicide can be found at: https://mindframe.org.au/


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