NTMHC provides advice to governments and offers policy input as well as advocating on behalf of member organisations for stronger NT mental health service provision.
To provide a Northern Territory perspective on the provision of mental health services and network with national mental health bodies and associated local, state and territory mental health bodies.
To develop and promote the sharing of resources and to facilitate discussion of government policy, services and all matters relevant to promoting the mental health of Territorians.
To promote stronger effectiveness and long-term viability of NT charities, not-for-profit and other private and public organisations in the mental health sector by promoting partnerships and service coordination.
(based on MHA objective)
To promote better understanding of NT community mental health programs, recovery services and consumer and carer groups supported by not-for-profit and non- government agencies
(based on CMHA objective)
To promote an increase in the ratio of mental health funding allocated to support mental health
(based on CMHA objective)
To support research capacity of mental health organisations
(based on MHCC NSW objective)
To collaborate and facilitate strong relationships, co-operation and co-ordination between consumers, carers, non-government service providers, government bodies and private sector bodies, international bodies and other relevant bodies relevant to the best interests of Territorians.
(based on MHCT and WAAMH objective)
To support education and training that promotes mental health, recovery, social inclusion and human rights, early prevention and a focus on individuals, their families, carers and the NT community
(based on QAMH objective and several other constitutions)
To promote culturally appropriate responses to mental health in diverse communities
(based on QAMH objective)
To promote stigma reduction around mental health and the value and dignity of each individual. (based on MHCSA mission, values and vision); and
To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the Coalition’s operation and otherwise for the attainment of all or any of the above objects
Do you, or someone you know,
need help with your mental health?
While NTMHC are not a service provider, we can point you in the direction of services that can support you.