Celebrating our Strengths during NT Mental Health Week – Top End Award winners announced

NT Mental Health Week 2023 is in full swing with the Northern Territory Mental Health Awards to celebrate Top End mental health professionals held today at Parliament House. Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Lauren Moss hosted the event, attended by over 100 community members, community mental health providers, local politicians and educational institutions. 

Geoff Radford, CEO for the Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition MC’d the event with speeches from Minister Moss and Anne Gawen, Chair of the NT Mental Health Coalition board. 

This year 15 nominee’s represented a range of categories, organisations, programs and locations through the Territory’s Top End with the following 5 winners being announced: 

TAKING ACTION, TACKLING SUICIDE TEAM, Catholic Care NT – Leadership in Lived Experience Award

WOKAY BOURKE – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social & Emotional Wellbeing Award

Top End Mental Health Consumers Organisation  (TEMCHO) – Workforce Capacity Building 

Head to Health Darwin, and St Johns Ambulance – Integration and Collaborative Practice Award; and 

Danila Dilba Social and Emotional Wellbeing Team – Innovation in Practice Award 

Mental Health Week is a chance to not only increase our awareness about mental health and ways we can support one another but can also assist in reducing the stigma associated with mental ill-health. It helps shine a light on the communities of support around us and encourages us to prioritize our mental health and wellbeing. 

This year’s theme ‘Celebrating Our Strengths’ is a reminder that no matter what our circumstances there are people, places and activities that we can draw strength from when times get tough. NT Mental Health Coalition video campaign What Keeps Me Strong amplified the message through videos featuring Territorians including Darwin comedian Amy Hetherington and sports figure Shaun Wilson sharing what helps to keep them stay mentally strong. Highlights from the videos were shared at the ceremony.

NT Mental Health Week is coordinated by the NT Mental Health Coalition and runs from 7 – 15 October 2023. There are many ways to get involved, whether you attend an event, raise awareness or just have a conversation about mental health. 

For information and events head to www.ntmhc.org.au/mentalhealthweek

Quotes attributable to Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Lauren Moss:  

“Mental health week is important to not only help drive down stigma around mental health, but also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of professionals that strive for excellence in the mental health sector. 

“Congratulations to all of the Top End nominee’s and award winners for your innovation and excellence in caring for others and helping to improve the wellbeing of Territorians.”

Quotes attributable to NT Mental Health Coalition CEO Geoff Radford: 

“Mental Health Week is an important opportunity for Territorians to consider their wellbeing and to learn more about the activities and services that can support them. 

“Starting conversations about mental health and participating in Mental Health Week activities can help increase our awareness and reduce the stigma associated with mental ill-health. 

“Cost of living pressures, increasing climate stress and the isolation associated with a widely dispersed population makes people more susceptible to mental ill-health, so it’s more important than ever to take steps every day to look after our wellbeing.”


Media Contacts:  

Geoff Radford, CEO Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition 
M: 0408 588 904     l      E: CEO@ntmhc.org.au

Minister Moss – 0499 942 711

Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition

NTMHC is the peak body for community managed mental health services across the Northern Territory. We work in collaboration with a wide network of organisations, people with lived experience, their families and supporters across the NT to advocate to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Territorians.

Please include the following crisis support services for any story regarding mental health or suicide:

Lifeline: 13 11 14  www.lifeline.org.au
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467  www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au
beyondblue: 1300 22 4636  www.beyondblue.org.au

More information on safely reporting on mental illness or suicide can be found at: https://mindframe.org.au/

Get Involved!

Check Out Our Events Calendar

There are lots of great events happening across the NT during Mental Health Week. Visit our Events Calendar to see what’s on and keep an eye on our Facebook page.

If you are planning to hold an event you can add it to our events calendar here (scroll to bottom of page) and we can help you promote it.

Download MHW Resources

To help you plan and promote a great Mental Health Week event, or simply raise awareness and show support – a range of downloadable resources are available, including logos, posters, social media tiles, banners, an email signature and an Event Planning and Promotion Kit. You can check them out here.

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